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People Are Watching

Yesterday I had the privilege of attending the ordination of a Godly young pastor, Rob Hall. It was a beautiful service but what really struck me were the testimonies of a group of the teenagers from his youth ministry. They first talked about how consistent Rob was in his walk with God. Another talked about how Rob always extended him the love of Jesus. Another spoke about how Rob always seemed to sense when he was struggling and was there for him, bringing him home with him and basically going beyond what would be considered normal for a youth pastor of a large youth group. Another who is now off in college remembered when Rob first arrived at the church to help with the youth, how he would watch him to see if he was a man of his word, and found he was.

I’m telling you, at the end of these testimonies there was not a dry eye in the place. The point being when we claim to be followers of Christ, people watch us. They want to know if our actions match our words. They may be mulling decisions about their own lives and want to see what those, who have already accepted Christ, are really like.

When you experience something like this you have to wonder, “What would people say about me?” Is Jesus pleased with how I represent Him on a daily basis? Do I share His love with everyone and not just my family and friends? Do I make the kind of diff-erence in people that Rob does?  Am I consistent, do I go the extra mile?                
                              People are watching!