For quite some time, I was a reader of blogs and never thought about being a writer of blogs. I read political blogs, financial blogs, and a lot of blogs by sports writers. I tend to be an information gatherer.
My blog life changed in 2007. That’s when, for the first time, blogging moved from a head thing to also a heart thing. You see, that’s when my daughter, Jenny, left on the World Race to minister in 11 countries in 11 months. During that time, the main way I had of staying connected to her life was by following her blogs. I remember sitting at the computer sometimes laughing and sometimes in tears as she poured out her heart. I also started to read all of the blogs of her teammates. When we began to hear bits and pieces about the young man she had met, now her husband, I even started to stalk him through his blogs. By the end of the Race, when Marcy and I picked Jenny up at the airport and met her fellow Racers, I felt like I knew them well. Even after Jenny’s return I found myself at the AIM blog site everyday. In many ways it was a morning devotional for me.
I blog so I can share this journey God has me on. My hope is that when I am going through the valley and I share my fears or doubts or despair, that someone will feel they are not alone in hard times. Likewise, if I share a mountaintop experience, I hope it encourages. Maybe my sharing the mistakes I’ve made will help someone else avoid them.
I also blog because I feel a real responsibility to those who have partnered with me in this ministry, either through prayer or monthly financial support. I want to keep them informed. I am really just an extension of their ministry. I am their hands and feet to the world.
I do know that so far this whole blogging thing has been a real blessing to me. When you throw one of these blogs out there into cyberspace, there is no telling where it will land. Because of people reading and sharing my blogs, I have been contacted by people I haven’t seen or heard from in years. I have been surprised and blessed by those that have signed up to receive my blogs by email as I post them.
I know that what I post is really not that important, but what is important is how it makes the reader think and feel. The internal dialog that my words spur is what, I pray, matters.
Following your story thru this blog is as big a thrill as it was following Jenny on the Race!
Hey I know the guy Jenny married. Quality.
Boy does God have some fun things in line for you. Keep going big guy!