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I Was Offered a Baby Today


This morning we went to the Son of God orphanage.  This is an orphanage AIM has been assisting since we discovered it two months ago.  When we found it they had no beds for the 126 children they were caring for.  They had only enough food for one small meal that day, and only the hope of food for the following day.  AIM did an immediate food drop later that day and brought them mattresses that next week.  We have stayed involved with them for two reasons.  First, right now there is not one else. And Secondly, their Director is a real life hero. He is a trained physician and could live a much easier life, but he chooses to pour his life into these children.

The two story structure they call home is still standing but badly damaged.  The building has been condemned but the children still live there because there is literally no other option.  I can’t describe how sweet and loving these children are.  They reach out to you and love to play games. As the Director was sharing with us some of their stories I noticed a young woman with a new born. I went over and asked if the little girl was hers and she said no. Then to my fear and surprise she handed me this one month old to hold.  As I held her she held my finger. Then the young woman asked if I would take her.  Her real mother was living in a tent city where the temperature in the tents goes well over 100 degrees daily. No place for a new born.  She brought her daughter to the orphanage because she had no other choices. A lot of things happen in Haiti for lack of choices.  Imagine that Mother’s pain.

If that wasn’t enough emotion for one day, we went in the afternoon to visit a small tent city next to a church we assist.  We had sent teams there in the past and also provided the tarps to protect their so called “tents”.  While there we heard some testimonies from some of the residents. Heart breaking.  Seth asked the Pastor if anyone needed prayer to have them walk over to the church and we would pray for them.  As they began to file in we realized there were more than we expected. Since the church was so hot we asked them if they wanted us to pray for them corporately or one at a time.  They said one at a time. So the four of us stood at the front of that little church and prayed for every one. And they waited there turn in all that heat.  We had an interperter  so we asked what they wanted prayer for.  The first lady I prayed for nearly wrecked me. She asked me to pray that she could stop crying all night every night since the quake.

When we left I was exhausted, hot, and feeling totally inadequate for the task.  However I have a heavenly Father who loves these people and is more than adequate.


  1. wow. thank you so much for the updates. Can’t help from tearing up when reading your blogs. Really keeps things in perspective. May God continue to richly bless you and your team as you help to provide and minister to these poor beloved people. We’re praying for you.

  2. The people of Haiti amaze me. Their faith is so admirable. Their strength is unexplainable. I continue to be blown away by how much they know the power of prayer. Thank you for going down and working with the Haitians and the Church to Church ministry.

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